Welcome to our self help video library

Consider these videos as “missing pages” for the Human Body - owners manual.

I have created this library to reduce pain, facilitate healing and improve body function.

While I can only work hands on with a very limited # of people, all humans who have a body can benefit from better self care. After all, I take my car in for service and tune ups on a regular basis. Keeping my body tuned is vital, if I want to be dancing with my life to whatever age I am grateful to live.

We are each in charge of a very complex organism, estimates are that up to 80% of which is not our own human DNA. Each of our cells carries a blueprint for growing our entire body, written in DNA code.

Our body’s miraculous ability to live is mostly taken for granted.

Yet, when I stop to consider just what is involved in keeping my head over my shoulders, I begin to appreciate the part of my nervous system that accomplishes such precise muscle coordination. It does this on “autopilot” without my rather limited conscious mind having to think about firing each muscle in turn. Yet, the conscious mind, when engaged correctly, can override and re-write this automatic script.

One can simply and painlessly turn off muscle tension with gentle neurologic “switches”using Muscle Energy Technique (MET) without crushing, or bruising delicate cell structures with "20th century" brute force techniques.

I offer these releases and suggested stretches as homework to my clients.

Do be gentle with these, they are most effective when done with minimal effort. Only do the stretches after the muscle tension has been reduced with the self release MET.

This videos are intended to supplement my hands on work and are intended as part of a wholistic treatment protocol I have developed at The Bodywork Institute.

Let me know if you have any questions, or wish to book an appointment.